Free Resources
“If neuroplasticity helped get you into this mess, it can get you out.”
- Lara Birk, Ph.D.
Scroll Below* for Free Resources
Lara’s Free or Low-Cost Offerings
Educational Videos
Lara’s Somatic Tracking Recordings (Personalized Recordings available upon request)
Other Audio Recordings
Free Online Resources & Relevant Apps
Podcasts (Pain-related)
Podcasts (on other relevant topics)
Research Articles on Pain Science
Articles on Related Topics
Recommended Books
Poems & Graphics
A New Definition of Pain
*I have not yet mastered the art of jump links, so please bear with me and for now do the old-fashioned scroll down!
Lara’s Free or Low-Cost Offerings
Library of Lara’s Free Somatic Tracking & Other Recordings (see below)
Personalized Recording (available for purchase upon request)
Upcoming Sage Groups & Classes (request to be kept informed)
Referrals - for When You Need Extra Support
Free 6 Week Trial to Curable
Lara’s Live Events on Curable (free to Curable subscribers):
A Quick Note on Terminology — There are many terms for the kind of pain & physical symptoms we are talking about here, and there are also several that overlap with one other but are not identical:
Neuroplastic Pain - the terminology now preferred by Alan Gordon, the Curable community, etc.
Neural Pathway Pain - a synonym for neuroplastic pain
MBS (Mind-Body Syndrome) - developed by Dr. Howard Schubiner, often used interchangeably with TMS
Neural Circuit Disorder - now preferred by Dr. Howard Schubiner, often over MBS or TMS
PPD (Psychophysiological Disorder) - developed by Dr. David Clarke (Dr. Clarke also calls this “Stress Illness”) - in September 2024, Dr. Clarke renamed his organization PPDA to ATNS (Association for the Treatment of Neuroplastic Disorders)
Nociplastic Pain - coming out of recent neuroscience research, seen as a synonym for neuroplastic pain
Primary Pain, and some aspects of Secondary Pain - the new classifications of chronic pain coming out of the WHO in the upcoming ICD-11, seen as a synonym for neuroplastic pain
CSS (Central Sensitization Syndrome) - a diagnosis given by some medical doctors for a nervous system that has become hypersensitive (can overlap with CRPS)
CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) - a diagnosis given by some medical doctors. CRPS is thought to be different from but overlapping with neuroplastic pain. CRPS Type 2 is following an injury to the nerve and is the new term for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), whereas CRPS Type 1 is for those without an originating injury to the nerve and is therefore thought by many in the field to be the same as neuroplastic pain
AMPS (Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome) or Myofascial Pain Syndrome- diagnoses given by some medical doctors for chronic pain in the muscles, joints, or other parts of the body, without any originating injury or underlying inflammation
Psychosomatic Illness or Somatoform Disorder - terminology stemming from the work of Sigmund Freud (and Charcot and others) on “hysteria” in women in the late 19th & early 20th centuries
TMS (Tension Myositis Syndrome) - “TMS” is neuroplastic pain’s original name, coined by John Sarno, M.D. in 1999. But please note that while the new neuroscience research on chronic pain has taken us well beyond Dr. Sarno’s original ideas in this realm, people still widely use the term “TMS” to refer to a wide range of mind-body symptomatology, sometimes calling it “Tension Myoneural Syndrome” attempting to bring the TMS term more up to date
Educational Videos
Tame the Beast: It’s Time to Rethink Persistent Pain with Lorimer Moseley (5 minutes)
Chronic Pain and Anxiety: Why Doctors Get it Wrong & How to Hack Your Brain with Brad Fanestil, MD (17 minutes)
The Mechanisms of Pain (which discusses the 3 Types of Pain) with Dan Clauw, MD (8 minutes)
The Brain Creates Pain - Dr. Howard Schubiner (6 minutes)
Predictive Coding - Dr. Howard Schubiner (5.5 minutes)
Why Things Hurt with Lorimer Moseley (14 minutes)
Neural Pathway Pain (3.5 minutes)
Complex, Persistent Pain (< 5 minutes)
What is Your Body Trying to Tell You? School of Life (3.5 minutes)
Nociceptors: An Introduction to Pain - Armando Hasudungan (12 minutes)
2-Minute Neuroscience: Pain and the Anterolateral System - Neuroscientifically Challenged (2 minutes)
How do we feel pain? Steps to Nociception - Med School Made Easy (2.5 minutes)
The Truth about Managing Chronic Pain with Rachel Zoffness, PhD (1 hour 39 minutes)
Understand Pain Neuroscience in 30 Minutes - ZPerformanceHealth (30 minutes - watch for his helpful “threat bucket” concept)
The Science of How Trauma Impacts the Body with Alex Howard (52 minutes)
The Backwards Bicycle - showing how it is possible to - with practice - retrain learned neural pathways (8 minutes)
Lara’s Somatic Tracking Recordings
Want to see Lara’s latest Guided Somatic Trackings? Head over to the Curable app (free 6 week trial) and check them out!
Want Lara to make you a Personalized Audio Recording tailored to your specific needs? Purchase here.
**9 min. Introduction to Somatic Tracking: The Observer Mindset ** listen to this one first if you’re new to somatic tracking
NEW: 13 min. Hand on Heart Meditation
NEW: 20 min. Meditation on Accessing Self Love
NEW: 12 min. Somatic Tracking for Fatigue
NEW: 11 min. Two Lists that Simplify Mind Body Work
34 min. (a longer recording, by popular demand!) Meditation for Inner Safety: Same Stimulus, Different Response
6 min. Relaxation Meditation
19 min. Relaxation Meditation
6 min. The Waterfall
11 min. For Moments of Great Uncertainty
5 min. Simple Breathing
2 min. Hand on Heart Quick Break
5 min. Hand on Heart Practice
10 min. Hand on Heart Practice
7 min. Somatic Tracking Practice
12 min. Somatic Tracking Practice
12 min. Somatic Tracking Practice - Positive Sensations (a breathing-focused guided meditation)
13 min. A “When You’re Down for the Count” Calming Practice (with no focus on the breath)
8 min. A Meditation on Allowing
8 min. Meta Level Somatic Tracking Practice (re: emotions/thoughts)
4 min. Restfully Awake Practice
Other Audio Recordings
Somatic Tracking with Alan Gordon on Tell Me About Your Pain podcast
Somatic Tracking YouTube video with Jim Prussack, the Pain PT
Somatic Tracking with Dr. Aziz Gazipura scroll down to bonus audio clip, The Peace Process
Transforming Fear by Sarah Blondin on Insight Timer
When We Must Endure by Sarah Blondin on Insight Timer
Healing Through Letting Go by Sarah Blondin on Insight Timer
Changing Your Story by Sarah Blondin on Insight Timer
The Practice of RAIN Meditation by Tara Brach
Being the Ocean and Opening to the Waves by Tara Brach
Loving Kindness with Self Compassion by Kristen Neff
4 minute Self Compassion Practice by Jessica Dixon (based on the work of Kristin Neff)
Yoga Nidra for Deeper Sleep (45 min.) by John Siddique on Insight Timer
Yoga Nidra for Sleep (22 min) by Jennifer Piercy on Insight Timer
Free Online Resources & Relevant Apps
Curable (Get a FREE 6 WEEK TRIAL to the Curable App, which is what started it all for me personally! )and check out their helpful INFOGRAPHIC.)
Free 21 Day Pain Recovery Program (an online program by Alan Gordon)
Free Resources - Pain Reprocessing Center (a center run by Alan Gordon)
Lorimer Moseley (anywhere you can find him on YouTube!)
Dan Buglio (Pain Free You YouTube channel with almost daily videos)
Jim Prussack (The Pain PT YouTube channel)
Nicole Sachs (The Cure for Chronic Pain YouTube channel)
Lin Health (another app for chronic pain)
Information about “Havening” and Self-Havening (by Karena Neukirchner)
Letter for Your Doctor (if your doctor is unfamiliar with neuroplastic symptoms or “PPD”, a letter like this - written by PPDA - could be helpful)
*Recommended by Clients (but that I have not yet tried myself):
Free Course for Healing Chronic Dizziness with Dr. Yurit Arthur of the Steady Coach
Free Course: Roadmap to Healing (Meniere’s Disease or other vestibular symptoms) with Patrick Parkinson
Overcoming Pain with Mark Grant, MA
Another free chronic pain program coming out of Australia
Palouse Free Online Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course
Skin Deep: A Mind Body Healing Program (in PDF) by Ted Grossart, PhD and Carl Sherman, PhD
Dare (an app for anxiety)
Pathways (another app for chronic pain)
The Tapping Solution (an app for tapping aka the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Nerva (an app for IBS)
Podcasts (Pain-Related)
Don’t Think of the White Bear - Laurie Santos PhD on The Happiness Lab (the episode touches upon the negative impact of thought/emotion/story suppression on one’s physical health)
A Harvard Psychologist Teaches Us How to Increase Our Emotional Intelligence - Susan David, PhD on the Imposters podcast (the same methods she outlines for emotional agility can be used for painful or unwanted sensations)
This Book Changed My Life - Ezra Klein’s interview (Transcript) with Dr. Rachel Zoffness on The Ezra Klein Show (This interview most closely represents my own biopsychosocial perspective on chronic pain, rather than Dr. Sarno or Dr. Schubiner, etc.)
A Way to Manage Chronic Pain - Vidyamala Burch on Being Well podcast
Using Mind-Body Methods for Pain that is both Structural & Neuroplastic - Lara’s interview with Dr. John Stracks on the Hope for Healing video podcast
The Science of How Trauma Affects Your Body & other educational videos - the RESET Program with Alex Howard
Why is ‘No’ is the Most Important Word for Healing Pain - Christie Uipi on Alan Gordon’s Tell Me About Your Pain podcast
Making the Brain Feel Safe on Alan Gordon’s Tell Me About Your Pain podcast
Michelle Grim on the importance of making nervous system feel safe - conversation with Dr. John Stracks on the Hope for Healing video podcast
How Do I Feel My Emotions on Alan Gordon’s Tell Me About Your Pain podcast
Is Self Compassion the Antidote to Healing Deep Pain with Jessica Dixon (who suffered from migraines for 20 years) on Curable’s Like Mind Like Body podcast
Jill Riddell on her recovery after 40 years of migraines - conversation with Dr. Dr. John Stracks on the Hope for Healing video podcast
De-Fogging My Life: Fiona's Recovery Story from Chronic Fatigue on Curable’s Like Mind Like Body podcast
Podcasts (on Related Topics)
NEW: Elizabeth Gilbert on Her Most Important Daily Practice on We Can Do Hard Things (Can you tell I like this podcast? OK if you don’t.)
Breaking Cycles & Reparenting Yourself with Dr. Becky Kennedy on We Can Do Hard Things podcast
What if You Loved Your Body? with Sonya Renee Taylor on the We Can Do Hard Things podcast
Become an Active Operator of Your Nervous System (tools from polyvagal theory), with Deb Dana, LCSW, on Ten Percent Happier podcast
Compassion Is the Ultimate Tool for the Truly Ambitious, with Dr. Paul Gilbert on Ten Percent Happier podcast
Minimizing Pain, Maximizing Joy (tools from the Stoics), William Irvine, PhD, on Hidden Brain podcast
Erasing Fears & Traumas Based on the Modern Neuroscience of Fear, Andrew Huberman, PhD, on his video podcast
No Bad Parts, IFS-founder, Dr. Dick Schwartz on the Sounds True podcast
Working with Your Inner Critic (under 8 minutes) from an “IFS” (Internal Family Systems) perspective by Dr. Richard Schwartz, Founder of IFS
Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy, Susan McConnell on the Being Well podcast
Trauma Recovery and Post-Traumatic Growth, Dr. Arielle Schwartz on the Sounds True podcast
“Unwinding” the Habit of Anxiety, Judson Brewer, M.D., Ph.D., on The Ezra Klein Podcast
What’s Happening in Our Nervous Systems (due to pandemic stress), Christine Runyan, Ph.D. on the On Being podcast
Building Healthy Boundaries, Dr. Nedra Tawwab on the Being Well podcast
Controlling Stress and Regulating the Nervous System, Lisa Wimberger, Ph.D. on Dave Asprey’s BulletProof Radio podcast
Completing the Stress Cycle, Emily & Amelia Nagoski on Brene Brown’s Unlocking Us podcast
Research in Pain Science
Articles organized in chronological order, with most recent first:
Placebo treatment affects brain systems related to affective and cognitive processes, but not nociceptive pain (2024) by Rotem Botvinik-Nezer, Bogdan Petre, Marta Ceko, Martin A. Lindquist, Naomi P. Friedman & Tor D. Wager
Psychology Today Article about above: How to Train Your Brain to Limit Pain (2024) by Justin James Kennedy
Randomized Controlled Trial Investigating the Effectiveness of a Multimodal Mobile Application for the Treatment of Chronic Pain (spoiler alert, they are talking about the app Curable) (2024) - by Cynthia J. Thompson, Hannah Pahl, and Luisa V. Giles
Application of a Clinical Approach to Diagnosing Primary Pain: Prevalence and Correlates of Primary Back and Neck Pain in a Community Physiatry Clinic (2023) - by Howard Schubiner, William J. Lowry, Marjorie Heule, Yoni K. Ashar, Michael Lim, Steven Mekaru, Torran Kitts, Mark A. Lumley
How Touch Dampen’s the Brain’s Response to Painful Stimuli (2022) - MIT News
Pain Theory (2022) by Lindsay A. Trachsel, PhD; Sunil Munakomi, PhD, and Marco Cascella, PhD
Effect of Pain Reprocessing Therapy vs Placebo and Usual Care for Patients with Chronic Back Pain (2021) by Yoni K. Ashar, Ph.D., Alan Gordon, LCSW, Howard Schubiner, M.D., et al.
Infographic from Ashar, et al publication
Press: How Therapy and Not Drugs Can Kill Chronic Pain and Change the Brain (2021)
Press: Psychological Treatment Shown to Yield Strong, Lasting Pain Relief, Alter Brain Networks (2021)
Psychophysiologic Symptom Relief Therapy for Chronic Back Pain: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial (2021) by Michael W. Donnino, M.D., et al.
Nociplastic Pain: Towards an Understanding of Prevalent Pain Conditions (2021) by Fitzcharles, et al
Long Covid and Fatigue, A Game of Snakes and Ladders (2021) by Paul Garner, M.D.
IFS and Chronic Pain (2021) by Howard Schubiner, M.D., Richard Schwartz, Ph.D., and Ronald Siegel, Psy.D.
How the Brain Causes Chronic Pain and How to Stop It (2021) by Yoni K. Ashar, Ph.D., and Alan Gordon, L.C.S.W.
Identifying Ways to Soothe Chronic Pain (2020), based on the neuroscience research of Tor D. Wager, Ph.D.
Neural & Sociocultural Mediators of Ethnic Differences in Chronic Pain (2020) by Elizabeth A.R. Losin, Choong-Wan Woo, Natalia A. Medina, et al.
Psychological Therapy for Centralized Pain: An Integrative Assessment and Treatment Model (2019) by Mark Lumley, PhD and Howard Schubiner, MD
Unlearning Pain (2018) based on the neuroscience research of Yoni Ashar, Ph.D.
Behavioural and Neural Evidence for Self-Reinforcing Expectancy Effects on Pain (2018) by Marieke Jepma, Leonie Koban, Johnny van Doorn, Matt Jones, and Tor D. Wager
What Low Back Pain Is and Why We Need to Pay Attention (2018) by Hartvigsen, et al
Neural Pathway Pain: A Call for a More Accurate Diagnosis (2017) by Howard Schubiner, M.D., Mark A. Lumley, Ph.D., and Alan Gordon, LCSW
Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Education for Fibromyalgia: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial (2017) by Mark A. Lumley, Ph.D. and Howard, Schubiner, M.D., et al.
DeMystifying Pain Pathways (2014) by Robert B. Raffa, Ph.D., Joseph V. Pergolizzi, M.D., and Robert Taylor, Ph.D.
An fMRI-Based Neurologic Signature of Physical Pain (2013) by Tor D. Wager, Ph.D., et. a
Articles on Pain-Relevant Topics
Graded Exposure - a good explanation by Alan Gordon
DIMs and SIMs - Lorimer Moseley’s Danger-in-Me and Safety-in-Me
Backdraft: Why Self Compassion Can Make You Feel Worst (at first) - blog post by Sarah Jarvis
One Woman’s Six-Word Mantra that Has Helped to Calm Millions - an article talking about the work of Dr. Claire Weekes an early pioneer in the field of mindbody medicine
Is the Pain All In My Head? - Essay about Pain Reprocessing Therapy in The Cut by Eleanor Cummins
Fawn Response: A Trauma Response + the Reason for People-Pleasing Behavior - Article on Modern Intimacy by Dr. Kate Balestrieri
The 7 Types of Rest Every Person Needs - Article in TED by Saundra Dalton-Smith, MD
Summary of Internal Family Systems Therapy care of Derek Scott (IFS was started by Dick Schwartz and informs my work with clients)
Recommended Books
Organized in somewhat random order, somewhat according to which I think are most important listed first:
The Pain-Free M.I.N.D.S.E.T. (2021) by Deepak Ravindran, M.D.
Explain Pain (2003) by David Butler, Ph.D. and G. Lorimer Moseley, Ph.D.
The Expectation Effect: How Your Mindset Can Transform Your Life (2022) by David Robson
The Way Out (2021) by Alan Gordon
The Pain Management Workbook (2020) by Rachel Zoffness
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in Healing Trauma (2014) by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma (1997) by Peter A. Levine
Burnout: The Key to Unlocking the Stress Cycle (2019) by Amelia Nagoski
Radical Compassion (2019) by Tara Brach, Ph.D.
Unlearn Your Pain (2010) by Howard Schubiner, M.D.
Unlearn Your Anxiety and Depression (2016) by Howard Schubiner, M.D.
Self-Compassion (2013) by Kristin Neff, Ph.D.
Hardwiring Happiness (2013) by Rick Hanson, Ph.D.
When Things Fall Apart (2006) by Pema Chödrön
Radical Acceptance (2003) by Tara Brach, Ph.D.
Heart Minded: How to Hold Yourself and Others in Love (2020) by Sarah Blondin
Freedom from Nervous Suffering (1973) by Dr. Claire Weekes
You are the Placebo (2014) by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Invisible Kingdom: Reimagining Chronic Illness (2022) by Meghan O’Rourke
The Last Best Cure (2013) by Donna Jackson Nakazawa
The Myth of Normal (2021) by Gabor Mate
When the Body Says No (2003) by Gabor Mate
The Mindbody Prescription (1998) by John Sarno, M.D.
The Divided Mind (2006) by Dr. John Sarno, M.D.
Back Sense (2001) by Ronald Siegel, Ph.D.
Writing to Heal (2004) by James Pennebaker, Ph.D.
Back in Control (2012) by David Hanscom, M.D.
Poems & Graphics
The Pain Brain - Infographic by Curable
Fear as a Misunderstood Monster - Illustrations by Artist Cecile Carre
How to Increase Your “Happy Chemicals” - graphic
Before Injury / After Injury Pain Tolerance - graphic from Lorimer Moseley’s book, Explain Pain
Visual Perspective on a Pain Flare - graphic by Anna Holtzman
Pain Cannot Be Told (Heather Johnson Taylor wrote this poem inspired by a quote from Lara’s essay, The Listening Room)
How I Became a Warrior (Jeff Foster), poem read by author
The Felt Sense Prayer (Anonymous Author), poem read aloud by Lara
A 60-second meditation tool to help clear your mind by Pixel Thought
Recovery is Not Linear! - GIF of Charlie Chaplin on staircase :)
A New Definition of Pain
For the first time in over 50 years, the IASP (International Association for the Study of Pain) updated its definition of pain to include the notion that pain can come from the brain without any tissue damage and that this kind of pain is just as real as pain which stems from tissue damage. As of July 2020, IASP’s new definition of pain is:
“An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage.
Pain is always a personal experience that is influenced to varying degrees by biological, psychological, and social factors.
Pain and nociception are different phenomena. Pain cannot be inferred solely from activity in sensory neurons.
Through their life experiences, individuals learn the concept of pain.
A person’s report of an experience as pain should be respected.
Although pain usually serves an adaptive role, it may have adverse effects on function and social and psychological well-being.
Verbal description is only one of several behaviors to express pain; inability to communicate does not negate the possibility that a human or a nonhuman animal experiences pain.”